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Working Your “Core”

by pfreccero on October 21, 2010

During last month’s Independent Film Week, we met with many filmmakers – both new and experienced – who wanted to know:  “What can I do now [in pre-pro or during production] to help market my film when it’s done?”

Given that this question came up so often, we thought it might …

The Plus Side of Free

by pfreccero on October 8, 2010

FREE does not mean the end of the world for your filmWe’re writing from the Toronto Film Festival – which basically is the first week of school for the film industry each year – and in between soaking up English language remakes of festival darlings, eating popcorn for breakfast and …

Marketing via the Power of the Audience

by pfreccero on September 7, 2010

We launched our marketing and distribution services company, CrowdStarter, because the rug had been pulled out from under us. The company where we were working, B-Side Entertainment, ran out of funding and had to close. We both had done the corporate thing before, we’d done the traditional distribution thing before, …