The Gotham’s International Programming fosters a dynamic global film community by establishing strategic and academic partnerships with organizations, institutes, and national funding bodies worldwide. These collaborations and unique activations create a vibrant ecosystem that enables non-U.S.-based filmmakers to introduce their projects to American decision-makers, while also providing U.S.-based filmmakers with opportunities to expand their networks and skills internationally.
Cannes Producer Network
The Gotham is the sole U.S. Partner Organization for the Cannes Producers Network, annually selecting up to seven experienced producers to participate. Running concurrently with the Cannes Film Festival and the Marche du Film, the Cannes Producers Network is specifically designed for experienced producers to build up their international networks and share expertise on the international production, financing, legal and packaging.
Rotterdam Lab
Through The Gotham’s long-standing partnership with CineMart—the co-production market of the International Film Festival Rotterdam—The Gotham annually select two producers to participate in the Rotterdam Lab. The Rotterdam Lab is designed to build up emerging producers’ international network and experience by offering panel discussions illustrating the process by which a project in need of financing is completed and brought to its audience, as well as speed-dating sessions in which selected producers meet with industry delegates and receive advice about their own projects.
Global Producers Hub
The Global Producers Hub presents a cohort of US and International producers from countries around the globe, made possible thanks to The Gotham’s International year-round partnerships and activations. This section of The Gotham Week Project Market presents a slate of projects to the film and media industry while also providing an international peer-to-peer network for producers to make connections and share resources.
Biennale College Cinema
Biennale College Cinema, an incubator program created with the artistic partnership of The Gotham, was created for emerging filmmakers to develop and produce microbudget feature-length films that will be presented at the Venice International Film Festival. Since 2012, the workshop has awarded Biennale grants to produce 37 feature-length films (costing no more than 200,000 euro each) and promoted new talents that have established their names globally.
EFM Market Badge Inclusion Initiative
Through the European Film Market (EFM) and the Berlinale, the Market Badge Inclusion Initiative aims at creating outreach and greater pathways into the market & film industry at large for underrepresented and marginalized film professionals from Europe and across the globe. EFM Market Badges are awarded to partner organizations like The Gotham with the overarching aim of contributing to a more inclusive film business and a more equitable playing field for all.
First Look USA
In partnership with Telefilm Canada and the Consulate General of Canada in New York, The Gotham hosts an annual Industry-Only Virtual Pitch Event showcasing new Canadian films in post-production.
If you have any questions about our International programs, please contact Gabriele Capolino, Director of International, at [email protected].